It really sucks that in this day and age to be tested for anything related to gluten you must first ingest gluten….
So here we go for the next few weeks trying to manage my body flipping out as I indulge on foods that I’ve missed out on for years.
The funny thing is I’ve gotten so used to eating gluten free that I’m not really enjoying ‘real’ pasta or ‘real’ pizza anymore.
The other not so fun symptoms besides gut issues is the fatigue, skin breakouts and foggy brain.
What I do find helps is to use a good probiotic like the Women’s Microflora Probiotic from life-space. (Amazon) I swear by this one! It helps with managing hormones, gut health and overall health.
So wish me luck in prepping for my colonoscopy and gastroscopy after a few weeks of ingesting gluten!
Dee x