
A few years ago I started working on a cookbook with my mum. Without sounding like I’ve been on a self discovery journey, I have along the way realised that I’m neurodivergent. I guess I’ve always known that my brain ticks a little different but you know, it was normal for me.

Most people would have given up on the idea of a cookbook with the amount of setbacks and the amount of interruptions I’ve had in the process of getting it done. Coming from a neurodiverse family is definitely not easy.

There is constant chaos, lack of attention, lack of self discipline… I definitely had a love hate relationship with this cookbook. But above all I knew I had to get it done. My husband will tell you that I’m very good at starting many things but finishing them is a different story! So for me this also about proving to myself what I can accomplish with sheer determination.

So I am now on the home stretch and have just decided on a book title! It will be called Gluten Free Rustic Italian and it will compile simple delicious meals that have been enjoyed by my family.

Just a little background on how hard I’ve worked to complete this.

Dee x