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Fussy Eater

I love food… I probably think about food every minute of every day. Food is my absolute passion!

Trying new cuisines, learning about the culture surrounding the food, how it was grown… I love it all!

So you can imagine my dismay that one of my boys is a fussy eater! We’ve been to a dietician, we’ve tried different methods, different ways of trying to introduce new foods and he doesn’t want a bar of it.

He’s healthy and growing well in every way but is iron deficient. So we started on Renzo’s Iron Supplements (Amazon) and so far so good. We hide it in his juices or anything we can really.

We’ve also realised that foods he won’t eat on their own, he’ll have in a juice! I mean he will even put the fruits and vegetables that he won’t ever eat into our nutribullet (Amazon) and press the button to blend himself. He’s 5 by the way! Mind blowing I know. So juices and smoothies are a regular thing in our household to try and get some nutrients into our boy.

I’d love to hear from other parents or carers who have fussy eaters and any tips or tricks that you have tried?

I’ve even tried cutting a different cheese into star shapes and that didn’t even work!

It’s a hard road and I hope he grows out of it!

Dee x